Distribution system

In collaboration with the distribution system operators, Swissgrid ensures that all the necessary contracts, processes and regulations for secure and reliable operation and non-discriminatory use of the electricity grid are in place.

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News and media releases

  • | Medienmitteilung

    Change to the Swissgrid Board of Directors

    Regula Wallimann has decided not to stand for re-election at the General Assembly to be held on 20 May 2025.
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  • | Media release

    Switzerland needs an electricity agreement with the EU

    An electricity agreement will strengthen Switzerland’s position. It will increase security of supply and grid stability.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid can conclude a contract with transmission system operators of the Core region

    The inclusion of Switzerland in the capacity calculation for transnational electricity trade in Central Europe will improve grid stability, but is no substitute for an electricity agreement.
    Read article



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