News and media releases

  • | Medienmitteilung

    Change to the Swissgrid Board of Directors

    Regula Wallimann has decided not to stand for re-election at the General Assembly to be held on 20 May 2025.
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  • | Media release

    Switzerland needs an electricity agreement with the EU

    An electricity agreement will strengthen Switzerland’s position. It will increase security of supply and grid stability.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid can conclude a contract with transmission system operators of the Core region

    The inclusion of Switzerland in the capacity calculation for transnational electricity trade in Central Europe will improve grid stability, but is no substitute for an electricity agreement.
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  • | Media release

    First half of 2024: Swissgrid is making a vital contribution to the transformation of the electricity system

    The national grid company can look back on a successful first half of 2024. Ensuring the secure and stable operation of the transmission system was challenging, not least due to very high exports. Swissgrid continued to modernise the extra-high-voltage grid, which is a key success factor for ensuring a sustainable energy future.
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  • | Media release

    Procurement of the hydropower reserve for next winter has taken place

    In accordance with the Ordinance on the Establishment of a Winter Electricity Reserve (Winter Reserve Ordinance, WResO), Swissgrid today procured the final tranche of the hydropower reserve for the coming winter as part of a tendering procedure. The Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) has approved the awarding of contracts.
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  • | Media release

    Shareholders approve all proposals by the Board of Directors

    A dividend totalling CHF 30 million will be distributed for the 2023 financial year. PricewaterhouseCoopers AG was elected as the new external auditors.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid in the 2023 financial year: strong basis established for the modernisation of the transmission system

    Swissgrid can look back on a successful 2023 financial year. In response to the profound transformation of the electricity system, the company launched its Strategy 2027 and achieved early successes in its implementation.
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  • | Media release

    The tariffs for the transmission system will decrease in 2025

    In 2025, a household with an annual consumption of 4,500 kWh will pay an average of CHF 77 for the services provided by Swissgrid. The costs for the federal government’s power reserves will also fall.
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  • | Media release

    Negotiations on an electricity agreement with the EU can begin

    Swissgrid welcomes this important step towards strengthening grid security and security of supply, legal certainty and Switzerland’s ability to help shape the European electricity system.
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  • | Media release

    An electricity agreement with the European Union remains the main priority

    The meeting of Switzerland’s largest energy producers and grid operators took place today on the subject of why the country needs an electricity agreement with the EU. Numerous key figures from politics, the electricity sector and the authorities discussed the importance of an electricity agreement for Switzerland. The tenor was clear: an electricity agreement with the EU would ensure greater security of supply, grid stability, legal certainty and opportunities for Switzerland to help shape the future.
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