Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!
New power lines in the Maggia Valley to contribute to the energy transition
Swissgrid welcomes the Federal Council’s recent decision to define the planning corridor for the new power lines between All’Acqua (Bedretto Valley) and Magadino.
Switzerland is in the midst of the energy transition and has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050. Yet at the same time, a secure supply of electricity must be guaranteed. What does this mean for the Swiss grid, and why is flexibility so important?
Following the Swiss electorate’s clear «yes» to the Electricity Act on 9 June 2024, the expansion of renewable energies can really start to take off. But for end customers to be able to use this electricity, it has to actually reach them.
Discussions and presentations by guests from among the leading minds in the energy sector at our Grid Forum 2024 showed that this is only possible by working together and adopting innovative approaches.
Switzerland’s electricity system is in the midst of the greatest upheaval in its successful history. Electricity generation is becoming increasingly volatile due to new decentralised energy sources and power plants, as well as growing electricity generation from renewable energies. This places new demands on the grid and poses a challenge for secure grid operation.
The pretty purple blossom of the summer lilac, the yellow flowers of the ragwort or the large white flower clusters of the giant hogweed: these plants are beautiful to the eye and seem harmless at first glance. But they are in fact invasive neophytes that can pose a threat to the environment.
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