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Swissgrid is ranked in the top third of companies in terms of sustainability ratings

Three national and international rating agencies have updated their evaluation of Swissgrid’s sustainability performance in recent months. The agencies assess Swissgrid according to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. The ratings are based on publicly available information such as the Sustainability Report 2023.

Swissgrid has succeeded in significantly improving its sustainability rating with all three agencies. This was possible thanks to transparent communication about Swissgrid’s commitment to sustainability and relevant sustainability indicators.

Swissgrid is at an advanced level in comparison with peer companies.

The sustainability rating agency ISS ESG has awarded Swissgrid «Prime» status for its sustainability performance. In doing so, it confirms Swissgrid’s commitment to placing the emphasis on sustainability in its activities.
The sustainability rating agency ecovadis has awarded Swissgrid the «SILVER» medal for its sustainability performance. Swissgrid is in the top 15% of the «Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply» category.
The independent sustainability rating agency Inrate has awarded Swissgrid a B+ rating for its sustainability performance. This underlines Swissgrid’s commitment to making a positive impact on the environment and society.



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