
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • Regional grid coordination: when 1 plus 1 is more than 2

    When it comes to regional grid coordination for the grid of the future, 1 plus 1 is more than 2: thanks to synergies, a better grid with fewer line routes is being created.
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  • The sun as a resource for ensuring the stable operation of the grid

    Operating the grid is a balancing act to keep the consumption and generation of electricity constantly in equilibrium. Swissgrid uses control energy to maintain the necessary balance. Photovoltaic plants will also help to stabilise the grid in the future.
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  • More control energy on account of the solar boom?

    Bastian Schwark, Head of Market Operations at Swissgrid, explains why the demand for control energy has increased, what role solar expansion plays in this growth, and how precise forecasts and innovative market designs can help to reduce costs.
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  • «Grid express»: to prevent the grid from becoming a bottleneck in the energy transition

    The Swiss electricity grid must keep pace with the expansion of renewable energies – but lengthy approval processes are slowing things down.
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  • San Gottardo: a crucial axis for the transport of people, goods, and... energy!

    The Gotthard axis is not only essential for rail and road traffic, but also for energy transport.
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  • More grid stability thanks to energy storage

    Switzerland is in the midst of the energy transition and has set itself the goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050. Yet at the same time, a secure supply of electricity must be guaranteed. What does this mean for the Swiss grid, and why is flexibility so important?
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  • Preparing the grid for the energy transition

    Following the Swiss electorate’s clear «yes» to the Electricity Act on 9 June 2024, the expansion of renewable energies can really start to take off. But for end customers to be able to use this electricity, it has to actually reach them.
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  • Technologies in the extra-high-voltage grid

    Switzerland’s electricity system is in the midst of the greatest upheaval in its successful history. Electricity generation is becoming increasingly volatile due to new decentralised energy sources and power plants, as well as growing electricity generation from renewable energies. This places new demands on the grid and poses a challenge for secure grid operation.
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  • Pathfinder

    Pioneers in search of the Holy Grail

    For several years now, a fruitful partnership has been developing between Swissgrid and the start-up Gilytics, a spin-off from the ETH Zurich to meet a major challenge in the Swiss energy sector.
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  • Something more than a substation

    Yesterday evening, Swissgrid and its partners celebrated the end of the rough construction of the new substation in Biasca (TI). In addition to the necessary technical installations, the new building encompasses much more.
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  • Sondierbohrungen am Glaubenberg

    For good reason

    The transmission system is a key factor for the successful implementation of the Confederation’s Energy Strategy. Swissgrid is making the transmission system fit for the future to make sure that electricity can continue to flow reliably. Every project carried out as part of strategic grid planning is different, but one thing is essential: the planning must be based on solid clarifications and findings. Depending on the area where a new line is planned, this may involve geological investigations, for example in the form of exploratory boreholes like those drilled on the Glaubenberg.
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  • True or false? Checking all the myths about the grid

    There are a number of persistent myths about the grid. But are they really true? Fortunately, Swissgrid expert Marc Vogel knows the facts.
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