Electricity flows with us

The extra-high-voltage grid forms the backbone of a secure electricity supply. Swissgrid works around the clock to ensure that it runs stably, safely and securely at all times. We operate cost efficiently and with consideration for people and the environment. We are already planning and building the grid of the future and making an important contribution to the energy transition.

Swissgrid employee in the grid control room

Grid projects in your area

Would you like to know which lines near you are being upgraded or extended? Enter a location in the field to find out more.

380 kV line
380 kV line
220 kV line
220 kV line
Planning area
Planning area
Existing line
Existing line

News and media releases

  • | Blog

    True or false? Checking all the myths about the grid

    Read article
  • | Blog

    «We need a grid that adapts flexibly»

    Read article
  • | Blog

    «The need for storage depends on various factors»

    Read article

Our dossiers

Swissgrid's environment is demanding and at times complex. But our thematic dossiers give you a good overview of the National Grid Company's wide-ranging activities. Find out more about subjects like emissions, technologies and the grid in our dossiers.



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