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Bonds issued by Swissgrid Ltd have been listed on the Swiss domestic segment of SIX Swiss Exchange since 2013 and are subject to Swiss law (individual documentation).

Coupons are paid net (35% withholding tax).

The following Swissgrid Ltd bonds are outstanding:

IssuerCouponCurrencyVolumeIssueMaturitySecurity no. (ISIN)
Swissgrid Ltd0,000%CHF150 Mio.30.09.202130.06.2026CH1131931292
Swissgrid Ltd1,900%CHF200 Mio.30.06.202330.06.2026CH1266847156
Swissgrid Ltd1,100%CHF175 Mio.30.06.202230.06.2027CH1189217784
Swissgrid Ltd0,000%CHF150 Mio.30.01.202030.06.2028CH0461239102
Swissgrid Ltd0,625%CHF150 Mio.25.02.201525.02.2030CH0269382088
Swissgrid Ltd0,200%CHF150 Mio.30.01.202030.06.2032CH0461239110
Swissgrid Ltd0,050%CHF110 Mio.30.09.202130.06.2033CH1129053810
Swissgrid Ltd0,150%CHF125 Mio.30.09.202030.06.2034CH0536893339
Swissgrid Ltd0,125%CHF130 Mio.30.11.202030.06.2036CH0570576279
Swissgrid Ltd0,200%CHF100 Mio.30.09.202129.06.2040CH1129053828
Swissgrid Ltd0,050%CHF125 Mio.30.09.201930.06.2050CH0419041501


Bank / AnalystRatingOutlook
fedafin AG
Ronny Schmoll
Phone +41 71 552 32 20
Alexandra Bossert
Phone +41 44 234 47 95
Low AAstable
Zürcher Kantonalbank
Armin Rechberger
Phone +41 44 292 39 51

The table is not guaranteed to be either complete or up-to-date. The valuations, judgements and expectations do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Swissgrid or its management. Swissgrid Ltd has been given no official credit rating by rating agencies such as Moody’s, S&P or Fitch. The ratings listed have been calculated in accordance with internal bank criteria. Please note that all credit ratings may change at any time.

Status: 23 April 2024

Sustainability ratings

Rating agencyRatingScoreLast update
ISS ESGBA+ to D–02.07.2024
InrateB+A+ to D–02.12.2024
Ecovadis73 / Top 15%0 – 10025.10.2024

Annual financial report grid

Swissgrid Ltd must prepare annual financial reports for the grid (Article 11 Electricity Supply Act). The annual financial report grid is prepared in accordance with ElCom Directive 1/2022 and is based on the accounting values of financial accounting (Swiss GAAP FER).



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