News and media releases

  • | Media release

    Change on the Executive Board at Swissgrid

    Jörg Spicker, Head of Market and member of the Executive Board, has decided to stand down from the Executive Board of Swissgrid with effect from the end of May 2017 for family reasons.
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    Presentation working group Winter

    The presentation of the winter working group summarises the current situation and shows the current status of the measures.
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    Connection Nant de Drance: The permit to construct the last section La Bâtiaz – Le Verney has been granted

    The permit to construct the deep underground cable link between La Bâtiaz and Le Verney has been granted.
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    Presentation working group Winter

    The presentation of the winter working group summarises the current situation and shows the current status of the measures.
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    Presentation working group Winter

    The presentation by the Working group Winter summarises the current situation.
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    International Frequency Containment Reserve cooperation: France joining the coupled markets

    The first common cross border frequency containment reserve auction with French TSO RTE was held on 10 January 2017.
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    European TSOs to constantly strengthen their cooperation in the management of the interconnected power system

    Europe's electricity transmission network managers improve their cooperation with a view to optimising electricity exchange capacity.
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    Chamoson – Chippis: Federal Administrative Court has rejected the appeal

    In its judgement of December, 14, 2016, the Swiss Federal Administrative Court (FAC) backed the measures aimed at optimising noise pollution and electrical losses.
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  • | Media release

    Doris Barnert to become Head of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer of Swissgrid

    She currently works as Director of Finances for Solothurner Spitäler AG and is due to join Swissgrid on 1 April, 2017.
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  • | Media release

    Doris Russi Schurter leaves Swissgrid Board of Directors

    Doris Russi Schurter has been a Member of the Board of Directors of Swissgrid Ltd since 2007.
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