Deviations affecting frequency in Continental Europe have ceased
ENTSO-E has now confirmed with the Serbian and Kosovar TSOs, respectively EMS and KOSTT, that the deviations which affected the average frequency in the synchronous area of Continental Europe have ceased.
Chamoson – Chippis: Preparatory field work has commenced
After proceedings ended with the dismissal of appeals by the Federal Court on 1 September 2017, preparatory field work for the construction of the 380-kilovolt (kV) Chamoson-Chippis line will begin in January 2018.
Today, Parliament voted in favour of the «Electricity Grid Strategy». This bill will contribute to optimizing and speeding up the approval processes for grid renovation.
Pronovo announced as enforcement agency for renewable energies advancement programmes
Swissgrid has established the independent subsidiary Pronovo AG as the accredited certification body for recording guarantees of origin and processing federal funding programmes for renewable energies.
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