News and media releases

  • | Media release

    Swissgrid’s and TransnetBW’s joint coordinating company is being dissolved

    At the time, the aim of the company was to improve security of supply and to handle grid activities on the German/Swiss border efficiently.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid concludes additional share capital increase

    At the extraordinary General Assembly of Swissgrid Ltd held on 4 December 2017, shareholders agreed to the proposals of the Board of Directors.
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  • | Media release

    Timely grid renovation and expansion jeopardized

    The grid renovation that is necessary for Switzerland's security of supply is progressing very sluggishly.
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  • | Media release

    Pronovo announced as enforcement agency for renewable energies advancement programmes

    Swissgrid has established the independent subsidiary Pronovo AG as the accredited certification body for recording guarantees of origin and processing federal funding programmes for renewable energies.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid acquires further transmission grid systems and plans requisite share capital increases

    The corresponding amendments to the articles of incorporation are to be approved by the Federal Council in December 2017.
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  • | Media release

    Ground-breaking ceremony for the expansion of the Pradella – La Punt extra-high-voltage line

    Swissgrid is expanding the existing line, thereby removing a grid bottleneck.
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  • | News

    Electrical substation at Romanel: Swissgrid's installations are operational

    These new installations contribute to the supply security of the French-speaking part of Switzerland and improve the stability of the transmission network.
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  • | Media release

    Chamoson – Chippis extra-high-voltage line: Federal Court rejects complaints

    Swissgrid can now begin construction work on the overhead line between Chamoson and Chippis in the canton of Wallis.
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  • | Media release

    Secure supply of electricity in Greater Bern: Swissgrid strengthens Bassecourt – Mühleberg line

    The line is part of the «Strategic Grid 2025» and will secure the supply for Greater Bern when the Mühleberg power plant will be shut down in 2019.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid outsources central office for collection of grid premiums, feed-in tariffs and guarantees of origin

    Until now, Swissgrid has been responsible for collecting grid premiums, feed-in tariffs and issuing guarantees of origin.
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