News and media releases

  • | Media release

    Swissgrid General Assembly: All proposals of the Board of Directors accepted

    At today's annual general assembly of Swissgrid, the Swiss electricity grid operator, all the proposals of the Board of Directors were accepted.
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  • | Media release

    Consultation on the Transmission Lines Sectoral Plan and the Study on the Reorganisation of the High-Voltage Grids

    The plan to upgrade the power line between Airolo and Lavorgo is strategically important for the completion of a national and international grid.
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  • | News

    Great interest in discussion on power grid of the future at EPFL

    Stimulating presentations and a lively platform discussion on the grid of the future were the focus of the event.
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    Ground-breaking for refurbishment of Pradella substation

    The project concerned is a joint venture between Swissgrid Ltd and Engadiner Kraftwerke AG.
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    380 kV grid connection 2015 to the new 380 kV substation Tierfehd at PSPP Limmern is in operation

    On commissioning, the section of cable becomes part of the Swissgrid transmission grid.
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  • | Media release

    The Swiss transmission grid gets fit for the future of energy

    At its annual media conference Swissgrid, the Swiss transmission system operator, announced some very respectable business figures.
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  • | Media release

    Swissgrid is concentrating on a few important lines

    Swiss grid operator presents the «Strategic Grid 2025».
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  • Media release

    Strengthening the security of supply for the long term

    Swissgrid has developed various planning territories for the replacement and upgrade of the extra-high-voltage grid between Innertkirchen and Mettlen and applied to the Swiss Federal Office of Energy to establish a planning territory in the sectoral plan for transmission lines. Three potential planning territories are being considered.
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