Strengthening security of supply for the city of Zurich and the western shore of Lake Zurich
Swissgrid is upgrading the 150-kilovolt line on the western shore of Lake Zurich between Samstagern, Thalwil, Waldegg (Zurich) and Obfelden to 220 kilovolts (kV) in stages.
Strategic Grid 2040: principles for long-term grid planning
The transmission grid is the key to a sustainable energy future and an important pillar of the Energy Strategy 2050. However, the energy transition brings with it challenges for secure grid operation.
Ordinance on the establishment of a hydropower reserve: statement from Swissgrid
The planned hydropower reserve is a comprehensible, necessary and feasible measure to increase security of supply. Swissgrid is contributing to the consultation process with additional proposals for optimisation.
Strengthening the security of supply in the greater Basel area
Swissgrid is planning an extra-high-voltage line between Flumenthal (canton of Solothurn) and Froloo (municipality of Therwil, canton of Basel-Country). In the long term, this new line will strengthen the security of supply in the greater Basel area and therefore across Switzerland. Swissgrid has worked out three possible variants for the line routing and technology.
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