The supply of electricity in the consumer centres in and around Aargau, Zurich and Lucerne is to be improved and ensured in the long term. On 31 August 2022, the Federal Council defined the planning corridor for constructing a new transmission line with a voltage of 380 kilovolts (kV) between Niederwil (AG) and Obfelden (ZH).
Electricity has been flowing along the upgraded extra-high-voltage line between Pradella and La Punt since 11 November 2022. This will eliminate a congestion point in the Swiss transmission grid. The Pradella – La Punt line is important for the security of supply in the canton of the Grisons and in Switzerland as a whole. As an alternative measure for the project, 1,100 distribution system pylons have been dismantled in the Engadin.
Change to the Swissgrid Executive Board as of 2023
Maurice Dierick (58), Head of the Business Unit Market and Deputy CEO, has decided to leave Swissgrid on 30 June 2023 in order to take on new responsibilities in the energy industry.
Procurement for the hydropower reserve for next winter has taken place
In accordance with the Ordinance on the Establishment of a Hydropower Reserve (WResV), Swissgrid today procured the hydropower reserve for the coming winter in the course of a tendering procedure.
Yesterday, «MARI», the new, central European platform for the exchange of fast tertiary control energy, went into operation and the first European transmission system operators connected to the platform.
The new Chamoson – Chippis extra-high-voltage line is in service
Since 30 September 2022, electricity has been flowing along the new Chamoson – Chippis extra-high-voltage line. This has eliminated a major congestion point in the transmission of energy produced by the hydroelectric power plants in the Valais.
Strengthening security of supply for the city of Zurich and the western shore of Lake Zurich
Swissgrid is upgrading the 150-kilovolt line on the western shore of Lake Zurich between Samstagern, Thalwil, Waldegg (Zurich) and Obfelden to 220 kilovolts (kV) in stages.
Strategic Grid 2040: principles for long-term grid planning
The transmission grid is the key to a sustainable energy future and an important pillar of the Energy Strategy 2050. However, the energy transition brings with it challenges for secure grid operation.
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