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New members join international FCR cooperation

The transmission system operators from Denmark and Slovenia have joined the international cooperation for primary control power (frequency containment reserves, FCR) in which Swissgrid is also involved. The cooperation increases the efficiency of the FCR market.

On 18 January, the first cross-border auction for frequency containment reserves with delivery periods for 19 January was held with the new cooperation partners Eles (SLO) and Energinet (DK). Together with the transmission system operators from France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Austria, the cooperation is the largest FCR market in Europe with an overall demand of 1,400 MW. This is equivalent to almost half of the FCR demand of continental Europe..

The international cooperation increases market liquidity and opens up new sales options for participating FCR providers. The FCR obligations are transferred between the countries in compliance with the European Network Codes. The common market enables more efficient procurement while also reducing the risk of congestion in the supply of FCR. This increases the security of the entire system..



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