European architecture prize for Swissgrid headquarters
The Aarau architectural firm Schneider & Schneider Architekten ETH BSA SIA AG has been awarded the prestigious European architecture prize «best architects» for their project «National Grid Company Headquarters». Swissgrid moved into the new premises in Aarau in June one year ago.
On Monday, 20 May 2019, a critical situation occurred in the Swiss transmission grid. Individual grid elements were significantly overloaded or threatened to be overloaded (n and n-1 violations).
Swissgrid shareholders approve all the proposals by the Board of Directors
All the proposals by the Board of Directors were approved at today's Annual General Assembly of Swissgrid Ltd. Markus Kägi now holds the office of cantonal representative on the Board of Directors. A dividend totalling CHF 32.8 million will be distributed for the 2018 financial year.
Swissgrid reports robust result for 2018 in a demanding environment
Swissgrid is looking back on a challenging year that was marked by the successful relocation to Aarau, the grid expansion and the role of Switzerland in the European electricity system.
Adrian Häsler will become Head of Grid Infrastructure at Swissgrid
The Board of Directors has named Adrian Häsler as the new Head of the business unit Grid Infrastructure and as a Member of the Executive Board of Swissgrid. Häsler, currently the Head of the Grid Delivery department at Swissgrid, will succeed Maurice Dierick, who became Head of the Market business unit at Swissgrid on 1 January 2019.
Transmission grid: costs for consumers will remain the same in 2020
A household with an annual consumption of 4,500 kWh will pay an average of CHF 44 for Swissgrid services in 2020. This amounts to around five per cent of its annual electricity costs. Thus, next year, the financial burden end consumers will bear for the transmission grid will remain at the current level.
Revision of the Federal Electricity Supply Act: Swissgrid welcomes the political debate on security of supply
Prompted by the revision of the Federal Electricity Supply Act, the ongoing debate on the security of supply in Switzerland is needed. However, Swissgrid questions the newly proposed solution regarding the storage reserve and, in terms of its specific design, sees a considerable need to clarify the competences and responsibilities of the individual players.
Causes of frequency drop of 10 January still under investigation
A drop in frequency on the synchronously interconnected Continental Europe system was registered on 10 January 2019 at around 21.00. The causes of this drop are still under investigation by the transmission system operators (TSOs) of ENT-SO-E Regional Group Continental Europe.
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