
Electricity is always flowing and the energy sector is always active – 24/7, 365 days a year. New grid projects, exciting facts about electricity, digitalisation, innovations, the environment – we regularly publish informative articles on a wide range of topics. Always up-to-date, always with our finger on the pulse. Welcome to our blog!

  • Soil remediation in the Uri valley floor to benefit agriculture and the environment

    Soil remediation in the Uri valley floor to benefit agriculture and the environment

    Cows now graze on lush, green grass in meadows where pylons once stood. Before the areas in the Uri valley floor were approved for normal use, Swissgrid carried out extensive soil remediation at the former pylon sites.
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  • Extra-high voltage grid

    «It was clear to me early on that I wanted to devote myself to the technical field»

    In this interview, Asja Derviškadić, Grid Studies Engineer at Swissgrid, tells us how she contributes to Switzerland's security of supply in her role and how she experiences working at Swissgrid as an engineer.
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  • Every kilowatt hour of renewable energy counts

    Electricity generation is undergoing fundamental change. Switzerland is in a good position with regard to renewable energies. However, faster expansion of production and storage capacities is needed. An interview with Michael Frank, Director of the Swiss Electricity Industry Association (VSE), about electricity generation now and in the future.
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  • Soil is a precious resource

    At the «Gäbihübel» it is easy to see the effects of the underground laying of a section of a 380 kV extra-high-voltage line on the landscape and environment as well as the challenges presented with regard to construction, operation and maintenance
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  • In the future, we will need less energy but more electricity.

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  • For a secure supply of energy in the Upper Valais

    Swissgrid is modernising the extra-high-voltage grid in the Upper Valais for future operation at a voltage of 380 kilovolts.
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  • Birds move to the extra-high-voltage grid

    Nesting boxes for jackdaw colonies have been installed on pylons of the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid in Weinfelden and in the Saint-Triphon region. In other parts of Switzerland, too, electricity pylons provide a home for endangered bird species.
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  • A business model like no other

    While Swissgrid is a public limited company, its business model is completely different to those of other companies.
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  • Six cable heads

    Out in the open

    The assembly of the cable connection gantry for the La Bâtiaz – Le Verney underground link and the replacement of pylon 51 on the Chamoson – Romanel 380 kV overhead line are under way at the Verney construction site in Martigny. These two elements are essential for connecting the underground link to the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid. The underground cable link is scheduled to be commissioned in spring 2022.
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  • The background to high electricity prices

    Electricity prices began to rise dramatically last summer, reaching record high levels by the end of 2021. The reasons lie in the European energy markets. There is currently no relief in sight.
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  • When lines freeze

    It’s not just people who can freeze, our lines can too. And they can even crack. This blog post explains what Swissgrid is doing about this and how it works.
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  • Mouse hunting

    In Sils substation, weasels are helping Swissgrid to keep the mouse population under control. But Swissgrid is also offering the endangered species a new and valuable habitat.
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