News and media releases

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    Gland (VD): Commissioning of the lines

    On 11 August, Swissgrid completed the repair work of the Banlieue Ouest-Foretaille and Crans-Romanel 220 kV lines. It was possible to return them to service two weeks earlier than planned.
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    Swissgrid presents its position on the revision of the Energy Act (EnG)

    The legal framework must also support the integration of renewable energies into the overall system.
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    Pradella – La Punt line: ESTI gives Swissgrid the green light

    Swissgrid has the go-ahead to commence assembly work for the reinforcement and construction of new pylons. The project will expand the security of supply in the canton of Grisons and increase the import capacity. As an alternative measure for the project, 1,100 pylons will be removed from the landscape.
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    The FCR cooperation reaches the next milestone in the development of Europe’s largest market for primary balancing power

    The daily D-1 auctions for Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) with 4-hour products started successfully.
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    Work begins on the La Bâtiaz – Le Verney underground link

    Construction of the third and final section of the extra high voltage line linking the pumped storage power station in Nant de Drance to the power grid has started in Martigny in the Rhone valley
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    Swissgrid submits the planning approval procedure for Airolo – Lavorgo

    Swissgrid is increasing the capacity of the extra-high voltage lines between the Ticino substations in Airolo and Lavorgo. It is the first time in Switzerland that a grid expansion project has been developed in such close cooperation with the canton.
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    Publication of the third report on the regional Generation Adequacy Assessment

    The report contains the main outcomes of the third edition of the Pentalateral Generation Adequacy Assessment (PLEF GAA 3.0). The study was conducted by the transmission system operators (TSOs) of the seven countries that cooperate in the Pentalateral Energy Forum (PLEF) on behalf of their respective ministries.
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  • | Media release

    The underground cable is live

    Swissgrid has converted the existing line between Beznau and Birr to 380 kV. It marks the first time that an extended section of an extra-high voltage line has been laid underground. On 19 May, Swissgrid successfully commissioned the line a year earlier than planned.
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    Swissgrid shareholders approve all proposals by the Board of Directors

    All the proposals by the Board of Directors were approved at the 14th Annual General Assembly of Swissgrid Ltd held today.
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    Transmission Code and Balancing Concept

    The intensive, effective collaboration between the technical experts from the electricity industry and Swissgrid‘s specialists was well worth the effort. The new Transmission Code and Balancing Concept have been approved by the VSE Board and enter into force on 7 May 2020.
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